Monday, January 22, 2007

Winter is Coming!

And yet more exciting news for the fantasy fans out there

My other favorite author, George RR Martin, has also agreed to to turn him famous books into a TV series.

He's made a deal with HBO. And lucky me, I'm already a subscriber. Was looking for a reason to actually keep this in my TV lineup. And now I have one.

So if you're looking for an interesting mix of Science Fiction meets the dark ages, this shouldn't be a disappointment. It's a bit too gritty for basic TV, so putting it out there along with HBO's Rome seems only fitting.


Joe said...

Have to admit, this is an imrovement over the "silent sister in law" period.

Unknown said...


Saldrin said...

I've even gone so far as to post messages on other folks's blogs...

OMG stop me i'm out of control.

Next thing you know I'll be youtubeing it.