Friday, April 13, 2007

Eagle Cam

Once again, I'm neglectful of my blog. Oh well, it has its moments...and then it dosen't.

Anyway, as an update, one of my many pastimes’ include watching the family of eagles down in Norfolk, VA raise their young.

Last year it was a family of Peregrine Falcons. Unfortunately, this year they seem to have been plagued with a run of bad luck with two eggs being laid in different locations and both disappearing within a few days. A raccoon was trapped and release at a new locations so I’m hoping they will soon try again and I’ll get to see them raise their kids, too.

While I wait and see what happens, I’ve been watching the Eagles. It’s amazing that such predacious creatures can be so attentive to their young. Mom seems to spend her day somewhere close to the nest keeping an eye on the three chicks they have while dad is off fishing up the next meal. When ever he delivers the catch of the day to the nest, mom comes and distributes it to the youngsters. And on occasion, I have observed dad feeding mom as well. It’s a touching sight.

Yesterday was a cold and raining morning and during that time mom was there huddled close to the kids and even letting them try and crawl up under her. An amazing feet in itself since they are already half grown.

They are a funny sight to see, all feet and clumsy wings that they seem to have no idea what to do with. They spend a good part of their day either crashed out fast asleep or sitting on their bottoms with their oversized feet stretched in front of them. In the past week they have been in the process of swapping out their baby down for feathers. It is pretty evident by the older one, much larger and farther along then it’s younger sibling of several days still coated in the soft grey down.

There is a hierarchy to their existence as well. The larger one is always first to be fed while the other two wait patiently for him to get his fill. As soon as it’s evident that he’s getting thoroughly stuffed, the middle chick moves in for the next bite, followed by the smallest of the lot. Even the parents seem to favor the bigger of the three. Today, I watched as the little guy did his best to beg for some scraps and even attempt to bite off some himself, while the parent just seemed to look about unconcerned. Poor guy. Only in the animal kingdom is the baby of the family not the center of attention. Just an insurance policy incase something happens to the other two. Let’s just hope he grows up strong and finds his place in the wild.

If you’re interested, here’s the link. They spent a good part of their day sleeping but it’s still fascinating to see such power birds be such caring, attentive parents.

Hopefully, the falcons will have their family going soon so I can observe them as well.

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