Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Not Made in USA

I read this article today about Dell Corporation and its steady decline in both a good product and customer service. The sad thing is you can insert just about any major company’s name here and pretty much end up with the same customer complaints.

Let’s face it, Corporate America’s increasing need to export all its manufacturing and customer service to foreign countries is the culprit. To discover the reason for your defective product can all be contributed to those three little words you find on any item you buy today…”Made in China.”

When was the last time you went into a store and actually found a decent article of clothing worthy of spending money on? Or a kitchen appliance for that matter? It’s all junk, and it’s all made in sweat shops in China. And every store you go in has the same damn thing. Every couple a months we all have to go out and spend more money to replace the junk we just bought because it’s falling apart. I had to go out and buy a simple white dress for graduation for my daughter. We spent 5 hours trying to find a decent dress that actually fit. The only thing we found was the same stupid white dress that fit like an old potato sack in every store we went in. Needless to say she will be wearing an off white, print dress in violation of the stupid school standards because “I” refuse to spend money on the only crappy product we could find that fit the dress code.

I happy just to be able to find food that was grow in the good ole USA!

I long for the time I can go into a store and find that oh so elusive “Made in USA” label on anything. Americans use to make a damn fine product. But that is a thing of the past. Now, major corporations have even taken to firing their employees making an obscene $20 an hour in order to save money so they can pay their CEO’s a more modest $600 million dollars a year. Just think, if they only knocked off one of those “0’s” at the end of that salary how many Americans they could feed by way of an honest day’s work.

And just to prove the point that the wealthy make way too much, someone just spend $72.84 million on this! Hell I would have painted it for a mere $1 million with the same results.

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